Explore the bond between a rugby legend and a prince before the royal wedding.

Discover how Haskell and Harry's paths crossed, forging a friendship beyond the pitch. 

Rugby Fields to Royal Ties

James Haskell reminisces about Prince Harry's spirited and fun-loving days.

Harry's High-Spirited Era 

Their friendship thrived amid royal galas and personal milestones. 

Celebrations and Challenges 

As Harry's relationship with Meghan blossomed, did it cast a new light on his bond with Haskell? 

Turning Tides: The Impact of Love 

Through Harry's journey to marriage, James Haskell remained a supportive confidant. 

Steadfast Through Changes 

James Haskell looks back at the pre-wedding days with a sense of nostalgia and camaraderie. 

Fond Memories and Lasting Bonds 

As Harry embarks on a new life chapter, how will his and Haskell's friendship evolve? 

Royal Friendships: The Next Chapter