Is Twitter Shutting Down ‘Circles’ in Upcoming Weeks.

In a move that has taken many by surprise, X, previously recognized as Twitter, has confirmed its plan to discontinue the ‘Circles’ feature, effective from October 31, 2023. From this date onward, users will no longer possess the capability to craft fresh posts dedicated solely to their Circle. Additionally, adding new members to existing Circles will be halted. Nonetheless, the provision to extract individuals from Circles remains intact, executed through the straightforward process of unfollowing.

Introduced to users just over a year ago in August, ‘Circles’ seemed captivating but quickly ran into several issues that compromised its primary objectives. One notable problem was the unintended broadcasting of posts. Messages meant for a selective viewership, specifically those within a user’s trusted “Circle,” were inadvertently propagated to a vast audience during an incident in April. This significant lapse meant that Circles posts found their way into the ‘For You’ feeds, even making appearances for individuals who had no existing connection with the original poster.

Although the platform, under its then moniker ‘Twitter,’ took action by addressing the issue a month down the line, they labeled it as a “security incident.” Communication forwarded to its vast user base confirmed the completion of an exhaustive investigation into the anomaly. The content, however, did not delve into the root cause of the problem. An alarming insight was later shared by Yoel Roth, X’s previous head of trust and safety. Post his resignation in December, he cautioned users in a discussion with TechCrunch, hinting that such disturbances in privacy protocols were indicative of deeper underlying system flaws.

While speculations abound, X has not provided a clear explanation regarding its choice to phase out the ‘Circles’ feature. It remains uncertain if past issues influenced this decision. On the brighter side, the platform seems to be channeling its energies towards the ‘Communities’ feature, introduced in 2021. The Communities feature, bearing a resemblance to well-known subreddits, allows users to birth or become part of an exclusive “Community.” Here, they can share tweets with fellow members, deviating from the conventional approach of broadcasting to all followers.

When Gizmodo sought X’s insights on the recent developments, the response was playfully cryptic: “Busy now. Check back later.

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