1. Unsolicited Feedback

 Sarah Paulson received six pages of unsolicited feedback from actor Trish Hawkins after appearing in the play "Talley's Folly."

2. Shock and Humor

Despite being shocked by the "outrageous" deed, Paulson described the event in a lighthearted manner on the "Smartless" podcast. 

3. Legal Fallout

Paulson openly discussed Hawkins' feedback and the incident on the podcast, risking potential legal fallout. 

4. Impact on Paulson 

Despite the unexpected criticism, Paulson's career has flourished, including receiving a Tony nomination for her performance in "Appropriate." 

5. Discussion on Criticism 

Paulson's story sparked a discussion about how celebrities handle criticism from fellow actors and the public. 

6. Resilience 

The incident highlights Paulson's resilience and ability to find humor in challenging situations. 

7. Insights into Performers' Experiences 

This story sheds light on the uncomfortable and unexpected criticism that performers can face in their careers.