Millie Bobby Brown Sneaks into the Writers’ Room: Eleven’s ‘Stranger Things’ Finale Teased

Millie Bobby Brown, the star who rose to fame as Eleven on Netflix’s smash hit “Stranger Things,” gave fans a sneak peek into her character’s fate in the show’s concluding season during her interview with Capital Breakfast.

Chasing her curiosity like a detective on a case, the 20-year-old actress took matters into her own hands. “I basically gatecrashed the writers’ room,” she admitted, chuckling. “I said to them, ‘I’ve got to know.’ And there it was, my character’s journey sketched out plainly on a whiteboard.” Her initial glimpse of Eleven’s fate was met with astonishment and excitement, emotions she tried to mask as she stepped out of the room, the gravity of the revelation sinking in.

Millie Bobby Brown
Millie Bobby Brown

With the weight of the show’s conclusion bearing down on the cast and crew, Millie Bobby Brown shared her mixed emotions on the Today show. Filming the final season feels like a countdown to the end of an era. “Every moment feels momentous,” she said. “It’s sad thinking it’s our last, but we’re savoring it all, the sweet with the bittersweet.”

Yet, Millie’s perspective remains refreshingly optimistic. In a heart-to-heart with Glamour magazine, she shed light on her views post-Stranger Things. “I’m not looking at it as the end,” she stated. “These guys are like family. We’ll keep in touch. It’s not ‘goodbye’ but ‘see you later’.”

With the final season’s production in full swing, Millie’s revelations have stirred a wave of anticipation and sentiment among the show’s legion of fans. As the curtains prepare to close on the town of Hawkins, Brown’s reflection on her experience reminds us that while the series may end, the connections it forged and the stories it told are everlasting.

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